Set Up

Currently you must run these scripts on a cobalt testbed or a submitter node.

Accessing the Environment

To make it easy to reproduce the results, I have created a virtual environment which is accessible on the cobalts. The virtual environment was installed using the python from the py2-v2 CVMFS environment: /cvmfs/

Simply run


in pev-photons to activate the environment. Alternatively, if on an EL7 machine, use:

source el_7

Note this redefines your python path, leaving the environment with deactivate will reset the python path to what it was before entering the environment. This will also add pev-photons to your python path.

The exact package versions used are listed here:

Package Version
astropy 2.0.3
basemap 1.0.7
healpy 1.8.6
matplotlib 1.4.3
numpy 1.13.3
pandas 0.18.1
scikit-learn 0.17.1
scipy 0.15.1
skylab 2.0.2

You can create your own virtual environment with these packages using exact_environment.txt in pev-photons. Within a freshly made virtual environment:

pip install -r exact_environment.txt

If you go this route, make sure pev-photons is in your python path before proceeding.

Setting up the File Paths

The analysis scripts produce data files and plots which contain the results. The file pev-photons/utils/ has paths that should be changed to the location you want to store these files:

  1. prefix: the base directory where generated data files should be stored.
  2. fig_dir: the base directory where generated plots should be stored.
  3. dag_dir: the directory where dagman log files should be stored.

Change these paths to your personal directories. Then, run:

python pev-photons/

This makes the directory and all the subdirectories necessary in both the plot and data file locations if they don’t already exist.