Galactic Plane

The following scripts reproduce the section of the analysis which searches for diffuse emission from the galactic plane. All scripts are within the pev-photons/template directory.

Template Construction

To construct the template objects for each year of data, run:

python --year all

This creates a structured numpy array {prefix}/template/{year}/fermi_pi0_exp.npy with all the fields required by the template method.

To plot the Fermi \(\pi^0\) template convolved with detector acceptance (Figure 12 in the paper), execute:

Fermi pi0 template convolved with detector acceptance

Figure 12: The Fermi-LAT \(\pi^0\) decay spatial template multiplied by the detector acceptance for the data year 2012.

Template Analysis

To run the likelihood test with the Fermi \(\pi^0\) template, execute:


This creates the structured numpy array {prefix}/template/fermi_pi0_fit_result.npy, which includes the test statistic and \(n_s\) values from the fit.

To produce a background trial test statistic ensemble, on submitter, run:


The 10,000 trials produced are stored in {prefix}/template/trials/fermi_pi0. Then the p-value can be calculated via:


This adds the p-value to the fit results file created earlier. To skip generating your own trials, add the --use-original-trials option. Your result should match the following table:

Fermi Template Fit Result
Test Statistic p-value \(n_s\)
0.22 0.276 150.70

Sensitivity Calculation

To determine the sensitivity to the required level of precision (~1% uncertainty), we run signal injection trials on the cluster. First, we determine a reasonable range of injection points with:


Which runs 100 trials per injection point. This step can be ommitted if you simply wish to compare final results. Next, we run 10,000 trials at each injection points on the cluster. On submitter, execute:


Finally, perform a \(\chi^2\) fit on the fraction of trials above 0 as a function of the number of injected events with:


This yields the \(n_s\) value which corresponds to a fraction of trials above 0 at 0.90 with 1% precision and calculates the corresponding flux. The output (stored at {prefix}/template/fermi_pi0_sens.npy, should match the following table:

Fermi Template Sensitivity Result
\(n_s\) \(n_s\) error Flux [\(GeV^{−1}cm^{-2}s^{-1}\)] Flux error
491.2 2.3 2.63e-22 1.23e-24


To produce a plot with ARGO-YBJ, CASA-MIA, IC-40, and IC-86 fields-of-view overlaid on the Fermi \(\pi^0\) skymap (figure 13(left) in the paper), run:

Experimental FOV comparisons

Figure 13 (left): The respective field of views of CASA-MIA, ARGO-YBJ, IC-40, and this analysis overlaid on a map of the \(\pi^0\) decay component of the Fermi-LAT galactic plane diffuse emission model.

To produce the plot comparing upper limits on the normalization of the Fermi pi0 decay emission model (figure 13(right) in the paper), run:

python --fermi_limit
Fermi pi0 template flux limit

Figure 13 (right): The IceCube 90% confidence level upper limit on the flux from the \(\pi^0\) decay component of the Fermi-LAT galactic plane diffuse emission model in our field of view as compared to results from ARGO-YBJ, CASA-MIA, and IC-40. Dotted lines show the E \(^{-3.0}\) spectrum, used for obtaining IceCube upper limits, over the energy range containing 5% to 95% events in the final sample. Also shown are unattenuated and attenuated flux predictions from Vernetto 2017.