Some packages I have significantly contributed to include:
pev-photons (GitHub, Documentation)
- Python package that reproduces my dissertation work starting from base level files
cr-geomag-prop (GitHub)
- Python package for visualizing charged particle propagation through the Earth’s magnetic field using PyOpenCL and PyOpenGL
Other open-source packages I’ve contributed to include:
- scikit-learn — Python machine learning library.
- MLxtend — Python library of useful tools for the day-to-day data science tasks.
- PyCondor — Python API for submitting tasks to an HTCondor distributed cluster
In addition, I am an active contributor to the internal code base of the IceCube collaboration. This includes the statistical analysis package Skylab, for which I have written substantial components of the code, adding key features which have increased use cases within the collaboration. Today, Skylab is used by numerous analyses which produce high profile results for IceCube, such as the recent supermassive blazar study. During the process of that analysis I wrote tests which took the unit test coverage of Skylab from 0 to over 80%. I have also been the principal code reviewer for packages now in official IceCube software.
See more of my work on GitHub.